Be careful what you believe.Belief is a powerful concept, I witnessed this today. After assessing a client with lower back problems of an ongoing nature, I was staggered by her belief in someone else’s words. All of her scans showed that structurally she was fine, yet she had been told 20 years ago that this would be the “best it would get”. In other words she would just have to grin and bear it, even though no other opinions had been sought. She had kept those words in her head for 20 years and had consequently held that back tension in place. Her belief was powerful but so mistaken. It was only after shattering this mistaken belief that her back relaxed and went pop! “Oh my god, what was that?” I thought, because it was LOUD! She was shocked as well, but then the biggest smile appeared on her face. “The pain has gone”, she said, “It’s GONE,” as tears rolled down her cheeks. It’s gone. Her belief in someone’s words from 20 years ago had become so deeply embedded in her psyche and therefore, so powerful, that it had made her back like a wooden board. So belief is the moral of this story. Be mindful of what people say to you. Do your own research, find out for yourself, but don’t believe me or you could be believing in something that’s not for you. |