Nullify your anger

Nullify your anger

Your mind is a flowing, changing shaper of your body - every moment, of every day.

It’s easy to see this in action when observing an angry person. Just watch their body change it’s shape, size, texture, colour and such like.

If you were to observe an angry person, you’d notice jaws grow larger, brows get smaller, fists get bigger and change colour and shoulders get broader.

If you could look inside that angry person, you’d notice the muscles shorten, colon squeeze tight, everything going into high alert and even their cardiac muscle – the heart – suddenly changing drastically according to this anger.

Going deeper still, you’d observe the anger in their cells, structures and systems looking just like that ‘angry fist’. In fact, internally, there are ‘fist like’ reactions everywhere – squashing, distending, twisting the literal ‘crap’ out of you.

Is it no wonder that our society then gets irritable bowel syndrome right through to chronic fatigue. After all, it takes energy to stay angry. If one is angry for long enough, there’d be lots of energy for anger, but not much left for systems, healing and relaxation – oh dear!

If we were to practice daily just nullifying our angers, all those ‘fists’ inside of us could disappear from our bodies for good and promote relaxation and de-stressing.

Amen to that I say.