Unconditional HappinessHappiness should be a part of every school curriculum, university degree and such like. We study, learn and remember so much, but we forget happiness. If we do become happy, it’s because we’ve been told, received, awarded, earned or won something from the outside. Therefore, our future happiness becomes dependent on having the same thing happen next time. So our happiness becomes conditional:
The list can go on and on, it is endless..
Yes I know, you’ll be unhappy again. So can happiness come from any of this? You can fool yourself and say yes, but that Yes is totally reliant on conditions being met – ie., conditional happiness. That’s not HAPPINESS, so then what is? Obviously – UNCONDITIONAL HAPPINESS Now we are getting somewhere, now you will become the Professor of Life. Now you will have been awarded a PHD of UNCONDITIONAL HAPPINESS Be happy unconditionally, always. |